User Manual
Information in this document has been carefully checked; however, no guarantee is given to the correctness of the contents. No responsibility is assumed for its use or for any infringement of patents or rights of third parties that may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under the patent rights. The information in this document is subject to change without notice.
This document contains proprietary information protected by copyright. No part of this manual may be reproduced by any mechanical, electronic or other means, in any form, without prior written permission.
Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the US and other countries, used under license. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
The following conventions are followed throughout this manual:
Note: Text displayed in this manner indicates a note.
Prepare your working environment
Work Area: Make sure you have a stable, clean working environment with appropriate lighting condition. Keep unused small components in containers to avoid lost.
Tools: The procedures that follow require several tools, including:
A grounding strap or an
Electrical and mechanical connections can be disconnected with your fingers. It is recommended that not to use
Components and electronic circuit boards may be damaged by discharges of static electricity. Working on a system that is connected to a power supply can be extremely dangerous. Follow the guidelines below to avoid damage to the product or injury to yourself.
Always disconnect the unit from the power outlet before the operation.
If available, wear a grounded wrist strap. Or alternatively, discharge any static electricity by touching the bare metal chassis of the unit case, or touch bare metal body of any other grounded appliance.
Hold electronic circuit boards by the edges only. Do not touch the components on the board unless it is necessary. Do not try to flex or stress circuit boards.
Keep all components inside the
After installation is done, ensure that no screws or other small parts left inside the case. Small metal parts can cause short circuits which may damage the equipment.