Output character pacing? If set to YES, this parameter reduces CMnet transmission speed by 50%. This may be necessary when operating at 38.4k baud with older modules on the same CMnet.
Delay before sending all replies (20 msec minimum) = 20 msec: The time in milliseconds to wait before replying to CMnet commands. This is necessary to allow the sender time to shut off its transmitter and prepare to receive the reply. If the reply comes too quickly, it may be missed.
Interpacket delay....... (20 msec minimum) = 20 msec: The delay time in milliseconds between
successive CMnet messages sent by this module. This allows all receiving modules time to take action on each message.
Alternate interpacket delay... (40 msec minimum) = 40 msec: This parameter is the same as the Normal interpacket delay parameter, except this delay is used between color update messages which require more time for the receiving module to process.
CMnet Tuning Parameters
Time to wait before attempting intrusive grab: This is the time allowed after a grab request on a console port for a
!! !...” characters. This can only be successful if the modules on the CMnet employ the “grabless” token passing scheme. A
Maximum number of intrusive grab attempts per request: If the
Grab Silence Time: The CMnet must be silent for at least this long after an intrusive grab attempt to consider the grab successful.
Time to hold the token when the token wraps around: When the CMnet token is passed from the module with the highest CM address to the
Time to wait for each module to acknowledge the token: When the
Maximum online time per successful grab: The amount of time any console port is allowed to be online on the CMnet after each successful grab. If the online time expires, the console port will be disconnected from the CMnet and the
Maximum monitor time per monitor request: The amount of time any console port is allowed to monitor the CMnet after each monitor request. If the monitor time expires, the console will be disconnected from the CMnet and an additional monitor request must be issued to continue monitoring.
Console Port Parameters
Modem installed on this console port = No: This enables the use of a modem on the console port.
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