Protocol Configuration | Basic Configuration |
If another user is currently the privileged user for the MSS, use the Set Privileged Override command to forcibly become the privileged user. To relinquish privileged status, enter the Set Noprivilege command.
The privileged password can be changed with the Change Privpass command. Specify a new password of up to six alphanumeric characters.
Figure 4-2: Changing Privileged Password
Local>> CHANGE PRIVPASS “walrus”
4.2.2 Login Password
The login password is required for remote console logins. The default login password is access. To specify a new login password, use the Change Loginpass command and specify a new password of up to six alphabetic characters.
Figure 4-3: Changing Login Password
Local>> CHANGE LOGINPASS “badger”
4.3 Protocol Configuration
Certain options can be conÞgured for each of the protocols supported by the MSS. For more information on protocol conÞguration, refer to MSS Reference Manual on the
4.3.1TCP/IP Parameters
¥Subnet Mask: This mask allows the server to decide at connection time whether a given TCP/IP host is part of the local network segment so that packets can be routed properly. A default subnet mask is created automatically when the MSSÕs IP address is conÞgured, but it can be overridden.
¥Name Resolution: Hosts on TCP/IP networks generally have a text hostname and a numeric IP address. The MSS can resolve text host names into the numeric equivalents needed for most connections, provided that a DNS (domain name server) has been conÞgured.
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