Interactive Connections | Using the MSS | Disconnect and Resume
Users need a method of controlling and disconnecting sessions from local mode. For example, if a session on a remote host freezes or hangs while executing code, the user can exit the session using the Break key, then terminate the connection by entering the Disconnect command at the Local prompt. A user may resume a session after returning to local mode by entering the Resume command. Both commands can affect any active sessions, not just the current session. Session Limits
The number of active session a user can have on the MSS is limited by three factors: available server memory resources, a
5.2.2 Outgoing Connections
The MSS can make outgoing connections to hosts on TCP/IP, IPX/SPX, and LAT networks.
NOTE: Outgoing connections can only be made from the serial port. Telnet
To start an outgoing Telnet session to a remote host on a TCP/IP network, type Telnet at the Local prompt, followed by either the hostÕs name or its numeric IP address.
Figure 5-9: Opening a Telnet Connection
NOTE: If a preferred or dedicated service has been configured, a host name is not required.
You can also make a Telnet connection to a speciÞc port number, as described in Emulating a Direct Serial Connection on page
5 - 6