Lantronix 900-653-R manual Serial Settings on page 29 or

Page 70

Appendix A: Troubleshooting and Contact Info

Problem/Message (continued)



When you try to enter the setup mode

The issue is most likely

Double-check everything in the problem

on the device server using the serial

something covered in the

above. Confirm that Caps Lock is not on.

port, you get no response.

previous problem, or possibly,



you have Caps Lock on.

Serial Settings (on page 29) or



Enter 1119 in the keyword search field to



retrieve the FAQ 1119 for instructions. Look



for the tutorial that is titled “Assigning an IP



address using serial” under the CoBos







You can ping the device server, but

There may be an IP address

Turn the device server off and then issue

not Telnet to the device server on port

conflict on your network

the following commands at the DOS prompt



of your computer:


You are not Telneting to port




ARP -D X.X.X.X (X.X.X.X is the IP of the



device server).


The Telnet configuration port



(9999) is disabled within the

PING X.X.X.X (X.X.X.X is the IP of the


device server security settings.

device server).



If you get a response, then there is a



duplicate IP address on the network. If you



do not get a response, use the serial port to



verify that Telnet is not disabled.




With DeviceInstaller, you get the

The file you are attempting to

Download the correct firmware file from the

Wrong Password error when you try

load is the incorrect firmware

Lantronix website.

to upgrade the firmware.

file for the XDIRECT.





The device server appears to be set

If you are sure that the serial

You can check to see whether there is a

up correctly, but you are not

port settings are correct, then

socket connection to or from the XDIRECT

communicating with your device

you may not be connecting to

by looking at the Status LED.

attached to the device server across

the correct socket of the device


the network.


If the Status LED is blinking consistently,




Another possibility is that the

then there is a good socket connection.




device server is not set up

If the Status LED is solid, then the socket


correctly to make a good socket


connection to the network.

connection does not exist. Use the Connect


Mode option C0 for making a connection to





the XDIRECT from the network. Use



Connect Mode option C1 or C5 for a



connection to the network from the







When connecting to the Web-

Your computer is not able to

Make sure that port 30718 (77FEh) is not

Manager within the device server, the

connect to port 30718 (77FEh)

blocked with any router that you are using

"No Connection With The Device

on the device server.

on the network. Also, make sure that port

Server" message displays.


77FEh is not disabled within the Security



settings of the device server.




xDirect User Guide


Image 70
Contents User Guide Contacts WarrantyCopyright & Trademark DisclaimerInstallation of xDirect Table of ContentsUsing this Guide Using DeviceInstallerConfiguration Using Web Manager Configuration Via Telnet or Serial Port Setup ModeSetup Mode Server Configuration Setup Mode Channel ConfigurationFirmware Upgrades Setup Mode Advanced SettingsMonitor Mode Appendix E Binary to Hexadecimal Conversions Appendix a Troubleshooting and Contact InfoAppendix B Connections and Pinouts Appendix F ComplianceList of Figures Serial Tunneling ExampleList of Tables Purpose and Audience Using this GuideChapter Summary Additional Documentation Document DescriptionIntroduction Key FeaturesApplications Introduction Configuration Methods Additional FeaturesProtocol Support Product Information Label Product LabelPackage Contents Installation of xDirectInstalling the xDirect Hardware Address Required InformationIP Address To install DeviceInstaller Using DeviceInstallerInstalling DeviceInstaller Assigning an IP AddressTo view the units current settings Accessing the xDirect Using DeviceInstallerViewing the Current Configuration XDirect Configuration in DeviceInstallerDevice Family Supports Configurable PinsComments TypeAssigning the IP Address Serial Port Login Next StepConfiguration Using Web Manager Accessing xDirect Using DeviceInstallerConfiguration Using Web Manager Automatic IP Address Configuration Network ConfigurationNetwork Mode To assign an IP address automaticallySelect Use the following IP configuration Static IP Address ConfigurationEthernet Configuration To assign an IP address manuallyServer Configuration To configure the xDirect device server settingsConfig Server Port Monitor Mode @ BootupCPU Performance Mode Timeout msRetry Timeout Host List ConfigurationTo configure the host list Retry CounterSerial Settings Channel 1 ConfigurationTo configure the channel’s serial settings Data Bits Enable PackingBaud Rate ParityTo configure a channel’s TCP settings Connection Settings TCPAccept Incoming Modem Escape Sequence Password RequiredModem Mode Pass ThroughConnection Settings UDP To configure a channel’s UDP settingsUse Broadcast Datagram TypeDevice Address Table Apply Settings Apply DefaultsTelnet Connection Configuration Via Telnet or Serial Port Setup ModeAccessing Setup Mode To establish a Telnet connectionPassword Press Enter for Setup Mode Two options through which to exit setup mode Exiting Setup ModeSerial Port Connection BootP/DHCP/AutoIP options Setup Mode Server ConfigurationServer Configuration Option IP AddressSet DNS Server IP Address Set Gateway IP AddressNetmask Number of Bits for Host Part Standard IP Network NetmasksChange Telnet Configuration Password Dhcp NameChannel 1 Option Setup Mode Channel ConfigurationBaudrate Common Interface Mode Settings Interface ModeInterface Mode Options FlowFlow Control Options Connect ModePort Number Reserved Port NumbersConnect Mode Option Connect Mode OptionsIncoming Connection Active Startup ResponseManual Connection Address Example Autostart Automatic Host List Option HostlistC0.0.0.0/0 ConnectionDatagram Type Modem ModeTo enable the hostlist Directed UDPModem Mode Messages Message MeaningModem Mode Function Command Send the Escape Sequence +++ in Modem Mode10 Modem Mode Commands Show IP Address after RingRemote IP Address Disconnect Mode DisConnModeAuto Increment Source Port Remote Port11 Disconnect Mode Options Flush Mode Buffer Flushing12 Flush Mode Options Trailing Characters Pack ControlPacking Interval Send CharactersSend Characters DisConnTime Inactivity TimeoutChannel Port Password Telnet Terminal TypeARP Cache Timeout In Seconds Setup Mode Advanced SettingsExpert Settings Option TCP Keepalive Time In SecondsSecurity Settings Option Disable Telnet Setup Disable SnmpSnmp Community Name Disable Web Server Disable Tftp Firmware UpdateDisable Port 77FE Hex Disable Web SetupDefault Settings Option Enable Enhanced PasswordSecurity Settings Defaults Channel 1 Configuration DefaultsExpert Settings Defaults Setup Mode Advanced SettingsObtaining Firmware Reloading Firmware Firmware UpgradesUsing Tftp Graphical User Interface Firmware FilesUsing Tftp Command Line Interface To recover firmwareFirmware Upgrades Entering Monitor Mode Using the Network Port Monitor ModeEntering Monitor Mode Using the Serial Port To enter Monitor Mode locallyCommand Command Name Function Monitor Mode CommandsMonitor Mode Commands G0, G1, ....,Ge, GfCommand Response Codes Response MeaningStatus LED Appendix a Troubleshooting and Contact InfoLEDs Table A-2 Status LEDSerial LEDs Problems and Error MessagesRJ45 Ethernet LED Using DeviceInstaller Serial Settings on page 29 or United States Technical SupportEurope, Middle East and Africa Appendix B Connections and Pinouts Serial Port PinoutsEthernet Connector Pinouts Table B-6 Ethernet RJ45 Connector Pin-OutsPower Jack Mini USB-B Table C-1 xDirect Technical Specifications Appendix C Technical SpecificationsCategory Description Appendix C Technical Specifications Appendix D Alternative Ways to Assign an IP Address AutoIPARP and Telnet To assign a temporary IP addressConversion Table Appendix E Binary to Hexadecimal ConversionsConverting Binary to Hexadecimal Scientific CalculatorAppendix E Binary to Hexadecimal Conversions Manufacturer’s Name & Address SafetyAppendix F Compliance Electromagnetic EmissionsAppendix F Compliance RoHS Notice