5 |
5 |
6 |
6 |
Index Pulse |
Home Switch |
Figure 7.6: Homing on the Negative Home Switch and Index Pulse
Methods 7 to 14: Homing on the Home Switch and Index Pulse
These methods use a home switch which is active over only portion of the travel, in effect the switch has a ‘momentary’ action as the axle`s position sweeps past the switch.
Using methods 7 to 10 the initial direction of movement is to the right, and using methods 11 to 14 the initial direction of movement is to the left except if the home switch is active at the start of the motion. In this case the initial direction of motion is Dependent on the edge being sought. The home position is at the index pulse on either side of the rising or falling edges of the home switch, as shown in the following two diagrams. If the initial direction of movement leads away from the home switch, the drive must reverse on encountering the relevant limit switch.
8 | 10 |
7 | 9 |
7 | 10 |
8 | 9 |
7 | 9 |
8 | 10 |
Index Pulse |
Home Switch |
Positive Limit Switch |
Figure 7.7: Homing on the Home Switch and Index Pulse - Positive Initial Move
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