4.2.6 Measurements
Click on "Measurements" in the menu
◗The next window shows the measurements for a mono phases UPS.
The following measurements are saved and
◗"AC Normal : Voltage": Value of the utility voltage supplying the UPS
◗"AC Normal : Frequency": Value of the utility frequency supplying the UPS
◗"AC Output : Voltage": Value of the output voltage of your UPS
◗"AC Output : Frequency": Value of the output frequency of your UPS
◗"AC Output : Power (kVA)": Value of the output power of your UPS
◗"AC Output : Load level (%)": Value of the percentage of load at UPS output
◗"Battery : Capacity (%)": Percentage of charge available in the battery
◗"Battery : Remaining time (mn)": Estimation of the remaining backup time
◗The save frequency of these values is defined in the "System" page (60 seconds by default). Approximately 435
◗"Save Log" enables all saved values to be opened or saved in CSV format. (compatible with Excel type spreadsheets)
◗"Clear Log" enables deletion of all records. Enter the login/password to validate this action.
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