e. ADC Level - Otional
The ADC Level menu is accessible when the optional analog input module (A/D converter) is installed. Here it is possible to choose between the inputs on the analog input module and assign each input a LOW and HIGH level. When the LOW level is selected no amplification of the analog inputs is performed, whereas when the HIGH level is selected an amplification of +6 dB is performed.
f. Communication
The sub menus accessible in the Communication menu are:
•Comm Speed
•Comm Address
The Communication setting signals the TDA 2200’s identity to the PC interface or other Lyngdorf products. In master mode the amplifier setting is normally 1, and the addresses
The Comm Speed setting is the RS232 Link interface speed. The default setting is 57600 baud. With different PC’s and different lengths of cables the settings can be changed for faster communication to 9600 or 115200 baud. If a