Main Menu: Opens the Main Menu of the DVR. See page 18.
PTZ: Opens the Pan, Tilt, Zoom controls. The same function can be accessed by pressing the PTZ button on the remote control.
Left: The
PIP (Picture In Picture): Accesses a list of available PIP modes. You can also access and cycle through these modes using the PIP button on the remote control.
Rec Search: Opens the Record (Video) Search menu, as detailed on “Record(Video)Search” on page 33.
Mute On/Off: Turns the audio on or off.
Manual Rec: Instantly engages manual recording.
Start Rotate: Initiates the automatic display rotation. Channels will be displayed sequentially on an automatic loop. To set the rotate time, see page “Video / Audio Setup Menu” on page 56. If Rotate has already been turned on, then this option will change to Stop Rotate, which will disable the rotate function.
Start Cruise: This will initiate the cruise mode for PTZ devices. You’ll need to have configured your PTZ device using the PTZ Configuration menu ( page 46) and then programmed a series of preset points (see “Setting up Cruise Mode” on page 61) to use as a series of cruise movements.
Lock (only appears once a password has been set - see “User Setup Menu” on page 54): Locks the DVR’s user interface. Unlocking the DVR requires a correct username and password combination.