Preparing your Mobile Device
Mobile technology is becoming increasingly advanced, and the rate of change is increasing. We’re constantly updating software to keep up with the evolution of handsets and other devices available, and developing new apps (or “applications”, for those who still prefer whole words) for other operating systems and hardware.
Thus, we can’t tell you exactly how to prepare your mobile device here. Firstly, there isn’t enough space on this page to cover all compatible mobile devices. More importantly, any information we print will probably be out of date by the time you read it!
Check out:
for guides to set up common mobile devices for use with the DVR.
Supported Mobile Platforms
At the time of writing, the DVR supports a mobile device (such as a cellphone, tablet, PDA or similar) on a 3G network running:
•iOS (iPhone 3GS or later, iPad)
•Android (version 2.1 or higher)
•BlackBerry OS (version 5)
•Microsoft Windows Mobile® 6.1 (or higher) Professional
•Symbian (S60, 3rd or 5th edition)
Some devices may require access to a local area network with Internet access to function correctly, whilst others are able to use mobile Internet (such as HSDPA or similar protocol). It depends on the hardware in your specific device, and there are too many devices out there these days to offer any kind of comprehensive list.
Disclaimer: We can’t guarantee that your mobile device will be compatible with this DVR, even if it has one of the operating systems listed above. Your specific model of phone, tablet or other device, the hardware it contains (and the revision thereof), your service provider, the types of data services they offer and your specific phone/ device plan will all affect the performance of your mobile device for remote access of the DVR.
At the time of writing, the DVR supports up to 4 users via mobile devices simultaneously.