Cypress CY8C23533, CY8C23433 manual PSoC Functional Overview, Digital System, PSoC Core

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CY8C23433, CY8C23533

PSoC Functional Overview

The PSoC family consists of many mixed-signal array with On-Chip Controller devices. These devices are designed to replace multiple traditional MCU-based system components with a low cost single-chip programmable device. PSoC devices include configurable blocks of analog and digital logic, and programmable interconnects. This architecture allows the user to create customized peripheral configurations that match the requirements of each individual application. Additionally, a fast CPU, Flash program memory, SRAM data memory, and configurable IO are included in a range of convenient pinouts and packages.

The PSoC architecture, as shown in the Logic Block Diagram on page 1, consists of four main areas: PSoC Core, Digital System, Analog System, and System Resources. Configurable global busing allows combining all the device resources into a complete custom system. The PSoC CY8C23x33 family can have up to three IO ports that connect to the global digital and analog interconnects, providing access to four digital blocks and four analog blocks.

PSoC Core

The PSoC Core is a powerful engine that supports a rich feature set. The core includes a CPU, memory, clocks, and configurable GPIO (General Purpose IO).

The M8C CPU core is a powerful processor with speeds up to 24 MHz, providing a four MIPS 8-bit Harvard architecture microprocessor. The CPU uses an interrupt controller with 11 vectors, to simplify programming of real time embedded events. Program execution is timed and protected using the included Sleep and Watch Dog Timers (WDT).

Memory encompasses 8 KB of Flash for program storage, 256 bytes of SRAM for data storage, and up to 2 KB of EEPROM emulated using the Flash. Program Flash uses four protection levels on blocks of 64 bytes, allowing customized software IP protection.

The PSoC device incorporates flexible internal clock generators, including a 24 MHz IMO (internal main oscillator) accurate to ±2.5% over temperature and voltage. The 24 MHz IMO can also be doubled to 48 MHz for use by the digital system. A low power 32 kHz ILO (internal low speed oscillator) is provided for the Sleep timer and WDT. If crystal accuracy is desired, the ECO (32.768 kHz external crystal oscillator) is available for use as a Real Time Clock (RTC) and can optionally generate a crystal-accurate 24 MHz system clock using a PLL. The clocks, together with programmable clock dividers (as a System Resource), provide the flexibility to integrate almost any timing requirement into the PSoC device.

PSoC GPIOs provide connection to the CPU, digital and analog resources of the device. Each pin’s drive mode may be selected from eight options, allowing great flexibility in external interfacing. Every pin also has the capability to generate a system interrupt on high level, low level, and change from last read.

Document Number: 001-44369 Rev. *B

Digital System

The Digital System consists of 4 digital PSoC blocks. Each block is an 8-bit resource that is used alone or combined with other blocks to form 8, 16, 24, and 32-bit peripherals, which are called user module references.

Figure 1. Digital System Block Diagram

Port 3


Port 2


Port 1


Port 0


To SystemBus



















Digital PSoC Block Array






Row 0


Row Output Configuration


















Global Digital

















Digital peripheral configurations are:

PWMs (8 to 32 bit)

PWMs with Dead band (8 to 32 bit)

Counters (8 to 32 bit)

Timers (8 to 32 bit)

UART 8 bit with selectable parity (up to 1)

SPI master and slave (up to 1)

I2C slave and master (1 available as a System Resource)

Cyclical Redundancy Checker/Generator (8 to 32 bit)

IrDA (up to 1)

Pseudo Random Sequence Generators (8 to 32 bit)

The digital blocks can be connected to any GPIO through a series of global buses that can route any signal to any pin. The buses also allow for signal multiplexing and for performing logic operations. This configurability frees your designs from the constraints of a fixed peripheral controller.

Digital blocks are provided in rows of four, where the number of blocks varies by PSoC device family. This allows the optimum choice of system resources for your application. Family resources are shown in the table titled PSoC Device Character- istics on page 4.

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Contents Features Logic Block DiagramPSoC Core PSoC Functional OverviewDigital System Analog System Block Diagram Analog SystemAdditional System Resources PSoC Device CharacteristicsGetting Started Development Kits Technical Training ModulesDevice Editor Development ToolsPSoC Designer Software Subsystems Design BrowserApplication Editor Designing with User ModulesHardware Tools DebuggerNumeric Naming Document ConventionsUnits of Measure Acronyms UsedSCL, ISSP-SCLK PinoutsPin Part Pinout SDA, ISSP-SDATAI2C SCL Pin Definitions 28-Pin Ssop Number Name DescriptionPin I2C SDARegister Mapping Tables Register ReferenceRegister Conventions Abbreviations UsedRegister Map Bank 0 Table User Space Register Map Bank 1 Table Configuration Space Name Addr 1,Hex AccessACB01CR0 RDI0RO0 ACB01CR1 RDI0RO1 Electrical Specifications Units of MeasureOperating Temperature Symbol Description Min Typ Max Units Operating TemperatureAbsolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Description Min Typ Units Absolute Maximum RatingsDC Electrical Characteristics DC Chip-Level SpecificationsDC General Purpose IO Specifications DC Operational Amplifier Specifications PsrroaLPC supply current DC Low Power Comparator SpecificationsLow power comparator LPC reference voltage Vdd Range LPC voltage offset Document Number 001-44369 Rev. *BDC Analog Output Buffer Specifications PsrrobDC Analog Reference Specifications DC Analog PSoC Block Specifications DC POR and LVD SpecificationsDC Programming Specifications DNL SAR8 ADC DC SpecificationsINL AC Electrical Characteristics AC Chip-Level SpecificationsGain EnablePLL 32K SelectBwoa AC General Purpose IO SpecificationsAC Operational Amplifier Specifications CY8C23433, CY8C23533 Typical Agnd Noise with P24 Bypass AC Low Power Comparator Specifications AC Digital Block SpecificationsKHz Power = Low Power = High AC Analog Output Buffer SpecificationsLarge Signal Bandwidth, 1Vpp, 3 dB BW, 100 pF Load BwobSAR8 ADC AC Specifications AC External Clock SpecificationsAC Programming Specifications AC I2C Specifications Packaging Information Pin 5x5 mm QFNTypical Package Capacitance on Crystal Pins Capacitance on Crystal PinsSolder Reflow Peak Temperature Thermal ImpedancesOrdering Information Document History Sales, Solutions, and Legal InformationWorldwide Sales and Design Support Products PSoC Solutions Orig. Submission Description of Change Date