PowerConnect 6224/6224F/6224P/6248/6248P Release Notes
Known Issues
Summary | User Impact | Workaround |
When the switch reboots and attempts to | It is recommended that all users keep | |
getting loaded to | read an invalid | backups of their configuration files. |
will give up and create a default startup |
| |
HTTP. | configuration. |
TACACS operation | User cannot enter Privileged EXEC mode | None. |
| without using the enable command. |
Ping fails with 33% to | Using a Windows 7 client and pinging with a | None. |
100% packet loss | 59900 byte packet will result in packet loss. |
OSPF Dead interval | In a large stack with an unusually large | Increase the dead internal timer. |
expires on neighbor, | configuration, it is possible that during an |
when the DUT stack | unplanned failover, the control plane may |
manager restarts with | not issue OSPF grace LSAs before the dead |
large configuration. | interval expires on neighbors. When this |
| happens, neighbors report the router down |
| and other routers in the area recomputed |
| OSPF routes to avoid the restarting order. |
VLAN configuration is | The issue is that any VLAN configuration | This is not a problem if VLAN configuration |
not successful on | applied to a physical port while it is a | is performed while the port is not a member |
ports after detaching | member of a LAG will not be applied when | of a LAG. If the configuration is saved and |
them from LAG. | the port leaves the LAG. | the switch is reset, the configuration is |
| applied correctly. |
Issue with PBVLAN | The command vlan protocol group expected | The software recognizes if the group name |
configuration | a string in earlier versions; now it expects a | is alphanumeric, however it will not work |
migration. | number. | when the name of the group is numeric (for |
| example 2, 3, etc.) |
Read/write user is | The user always gets | User can configure the same TACACS user |
getting read only | using TACACS as a means for HTTP | locally and use LOCAL authentication |
access when | authentication, even if the TACACS user is | method for HTTP. The user will be able to |
authentication | Read/Write capable. | get access based on this local user access |
method is used as |
| level |
TFTP gives no | Generic failure message. | None. |
reason for file |
download failures. |
CLI command stack- | If a user enters an invalid interface, a | None. |
port config rejection | generic error message will be generated: |
does not display the | ERROR: Invalid input. |
cause. |
Banner MOTD: The | The current implementation of the MOTD | Acknowledge the message to avoid the |
switches Console and | acknowledgement results in all user | session timeout. |
Web sessions are | interface sessions being inaccessible until |
inaccessible until the | the user enters a response or the |
user acknowledges | timeout occurs. While the acknowledge |
the banner of the day. | process is pending, it cannot process the |
| other UI sessions. Once the timeout occurs, |
| then the MOTD acknowledgement ends the |
| connection and resumes processing of the |
| other sessions. |
DHCP server has | If DHCP server is enabled, then the user | None. |
data changed flag set | may be prompted to save configuration |
after booting from | changes even though no configuration |
saved config. | changes have been made. |
System Firmware Version | Page 25 |