Summary | User Impact | Workaround |
Bridge multicast | If a user configures the bridge multicast | None. |
address is shown as | address as an IP address format in VLAN |
MAC Address format | interface mode, it is displayed in the show |
in show running- |
| |
config buffer when it | format. |
is configured in IP |
format. |
Connected spanning | A port that is a root port will not become auto | This means that the port would flush the |
tree root port role not | edge port if the bridge that the root port is | Forwarding Database entries every time that |
changed to auto- | connected to goes away. | there is a topology change. This could be |
portfast after |
| avoided if the link goes down and comes |
disabling MSTP on |
| back up. |
Trunk. |
Three commands are | The following commands are not available to | Each interface must be configured |
not available at | use in interface range Ethernet level: isdp, | individually. |
interface range | lacpa, and protocol. |
Ethernet level, but |
are available at |
interface. |
There is no command | The user cannot use interface ranges to | Each protocol VLAN must be configured |
to add protocol vlan | configure a protocol VLAN. | individually. |
in interface range |
mode. |
Invalid error port | When port is changed to forbidden mode | None. |
number displayed on | from access mode, the log message below |
log message when | is generated that reports the wrong port |
VLAN is changed to | number. |
forbidden mode from |
access mode. | <187> OCT 12 08:39:03 |
| |
| DOT1Q[104741168]: dot1q_api.c(525) 2475 |
| %% Port(88) |
| This log message is correct when a port |
| from the base unit is selected. |
Gratuitous ARP | If the user changes the management VLAN, | None. |
packets are not being | then management connections must be re- |
generated when | established on the new VLAN. Neighbors |
management VLAN is | will resolve the switch’s management IP |
changed with static IP | address on the new VLAN. |
configuration. |
Using interface range | Cannot use interface range mode to | The user must configure each protected port |
mode not able to | configure protected switchports. | individually. |
configure protected |
ports. |
TFTP fails to display | If a user attempts to tftp a | None. |
specific error | the image of the switch, nothing will be |
message when | downloaded and there will not be an error |
incorrect filename | message generated. |
was given while |
downloading the |
code. |
Web needs to provide | User will not be able to select range of | User has to select each interface individually |
an option to configure | interfaces through web for the Sampler and | to configure in the Sampler Configuration |
sFlow sampler / poller | Poll Configuration web pages. However, | and Poll Configuration web pages. |
values on range of | configuration is not affected as user can |
interfaces. | individually select the interfaces and |
| configure. |
26 |
| System Firmware Version |