AR60X Installation Manual
5 Connecting Network Equipment
The user networking equipment that is connected to the radio should be checked to ensure it operates properly over a wired connection. Once this has been confirmed this will save troubleshooting steps after the radio is installed and connected to the network equipment.
We recommend the network equipment on both sides of the link be configured as follows:
∙1000 Mbps fullduplex
∙Port autonegotiation and flow control enabled
∙Port configured to not enter errordisable state due to link up/down transitions (since these may occur during periods of very heavy rain)
It is possible to disable autonegotiation on the radio’s fiber interface by use of the builtin Network Management interface. The radio’s 10/100BaseT port is permanently set to auto negotiate.
5.1 Network Port Statistics
In the event the network equipment connected to the AR60X offers the capability below, we recommend you verify the following on the network equipment:
∙Link integrity
∙There are no receive errors on the link
∙Network traffic is flowing in both directions.
The radios support all standard Ethernet frame sizes, up to 1632 bytes for untagged or 802.1q VLANtagged frames.
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