............80 Register Selections Selectable via OSD
............User Selectable Full Duplex
Passive Tap
............Dual RJ45 Connectors for easy Networking with Standard CAT5 Cabling
............Built In Hydra, Regcom, Networker and Vnetworker Hardware and Protocol
............Diagnostic LEDs for Power, POS Communication & Network Communication
............Video Input AGC and Video Output can Drive two 75 ohm loads at
............Video and Power Input Surge and Lightning Suppression with External Grounding Lug
............Video Low and Lost LED indication and alarming function
............40 Mhz Processing with 128K Program and 128K SRAM Memory for High Proformance Processing
............Time/Date Searchng with Compatible DVR
............Universal Time/Date Format , Automatic Daylight Savings Adjustment and Register T/D Locking
............800 Lines of Exception History Buffer
............16 Triggered Text associated with 16 virtual alarms
............Alarm Input for drawer open, safe open, etc. with programmable time delay
............Large Data Buffers for input/output to accommodate newer and faster registers
............Powerful Data Filtering Algorithms like Truncating, Scroll Matching, Space Filtering, Duplicate Line Filtering
............Auto Baud Rate Detection
............24 Field Programmable Exceptions with Numeric Range
............Programmable Delayed Screen Blanking
.............Scroll Delay for non real time recording
............Choice of 1 to 11 lines Displayed
............Gray scale and Border Selection from Front Panel
............Upload/Download and Programming to a PC or another
............Data Captured either to the Memory or to the Serial Port
............Local Firmware Downloadable
............Local / Remote Programming via PC Software or Compatible DVR
............Compatible with AVE