Parameter | Description | Value for T1 | Value for E1 |
| line | line |
unit_name | Name used to identify the board. | PC400 | PC400 |
prompt | Can be changed to identify which board is being | Select option | Select option |
| accessed. | ==> | ==> |
escape_char | 0x1b is the <ESC> key. | 0x1b | 0x1b |
shortcut_char | 0x0 turns this feature off. | 0x0 | 0x0 |
username | Login name for administrator. | super | super |
password | Password for administrator | supc | supc |
syslog | Enables syslog messages indicated. | enabled | enabled |
| linedebugusers | linedebugusers |
| ystemmodem | ystemmodem |
| info | info |
interf1_begin | First interface parameters |
interf_type | Indicates line time | t1 | e1 |
clock_mode | Normally master. | master | slave |
line_code | There are two options each for T1 and E1 lines. | b8zs | hdb3 |
| Ask the service provider. |
frame_mode | There are several data framing options for both | esf | crc4 |
| T1 and E1. |
line_build_out | Applies only to T1 lines. Ask the service | 0db |
| provider. |
signaling_mode | Can be pri (ISDN), cas or none. | none | none |
Chapter 4 Board and System Configuration | 26 |