I-Data ReRouter instruction manual Ping function succeeded, Ping function failed

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Testing Connection to Remote Device ida ReRouter

PING function succeeded:

If the PING is OK, you receive a system response like this:

PING 56 data bytes

64 bytes from icmp_seq=0. time=0. ms

64 bytes from icmp_seq=1. time=0. ms

64 bytes from icmp_seq=2. time=0. ms

64 bytes from icmp_seq=3. time=0. ms

64 bytes from icmp_seq=4. time=0. ms

----- PING Statistics ----------

4.Press CTRL-BREAK to end the PING process and receive the followng message:

5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received, 0% packet loss round-trip (ms) min/avg/max 0 / 0 / 0.

PING function failed:

If the PING function failed to provide the expected system response, you should check the remote device as follows:

1.Make sure that power light on the remote device is ON and that the LAN light is ON (solid, not blinking). This means that the unit is connected to the LAN.

2.Press the TEST key on the remote printer device. A test page is generated on the printer.

NOTE: When you press the TEST key, you make a disconnection between the printer and the ida ReRouter. To restart, you simply send another job to this device.

If you need further instructions on how to PING the remote device, you are referred to the relevant TCP/IP documentation for the host you are using.


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Contents Data Electronic Documentation Main Office Preface JanuaryRelated Manuals Token Ring EthernetTable of Contents Table of Contents Ida ReRouter What is the ida ReRouter? IntroductionIda ReRouter in a Token Ring environment Product Features IdaRCtrlWith connections to PCL 4/5 printers Items Supplied with ida ReRouter Quick Guide D10276Product Requirements Host System RequirementsPersonal Computer Requirements Installation of ida ReRouter Type a setupInstallation and Setup ida ReRouter Setup of ida ReRouter Route name StatusDescription New ChangeDelete VerifyDeActivate Route RefreshView Log Product InformationDefining a new route Enter DescriptionEnter Connect Timeout Communications ManagerValidation must be made in the configuration program Additional routes Changing a routeDeleting a route Keep Alive Function Support for KeepAlive to OS/22 TCP/IP KeepAlive configuration on OS/2 Configuration of S/370 Networks Configuration Examples for MVS and VM1 PSF/MVS printer definition and startup procedure LUNAME=IDSNCEP0 2 PSF/VM PDM definition Disintv3 PSS/MVS printer definition and startup procedure PSS44 PSS/VM PDM definition Fssuser = PSS1 Userid OFF Virtual Machine Printing PSS printer profile using SNA and TCP/IP attachment Host Vtam definition PSFAPP11Mode Table Local Remote Configuration of AS/400 Networks Creating Appc device descriptionPrompts Parameter and values Parentheses Creating Printer Device Description Value must be unique withinNetwork Updating Appn Remote Location List SNA connections onlyRemote Location Name RER1 Remote Network Identifier DKIDTN01Remote Control Point Name Local Location Name S4450327Control Point Network Identifier Sample Controller Definition QlusWorkstation Configuration Communications Manager/2 for S/370-390 and AS/400For SNA connection Changing configuration file Communications Manager SetupSelect Configure Configuring Data Link Control DLC profilesConfiguring SNA local node characteristics Configuring SNA connectionSet Node type For S/370 host connection For AS/400 host connectionConfiguring SNA features Peer node connection normally AS/4003a. Select Activate at startup Connections ListSNA Features / Partner LU Select Partner LUs Creating a local LULU Alias must be the same as defined Ida ReRouterAS/400 only Creating a transaction program definitionFor Ipds connection to PSF/370-390 and PSF/400 SNA Features List For Icds connection to ida PSSAdditional TP Parameters Communications Manager Profile List SheetCommunications Manager Configuration Def 2 S/370 Network Configuration Worksheet First device ida 913-03 Token RingSecond device ida PS 3 AS/400 Network Configuration Worksheet First device ida 913-03 Token Ring PartAPPCDev Printer Dev Configuration List Second device ida PS Part Partner LU Profile Explanation to Configuration Worksheets Node ID 370 S/390AS/400 TP nameLocal LU name Local LU aliasLocal LU address This parameter is for S/370 S/390 only This parameter is for AS/400 onlyLaps TCP/IPRouting Testing Connection to Remote Device Ping FunctionPing Ping function succeeded Ping function failedLog Files Problem Determination Error SyntaxAction ROUT0035E Cannot open configuration file ROUT0052E Configuration error for entryROUT0105E Appc communication error ROUT0106E Appc allocation errorROUT0111E Appc error opcode ... Primary rc Secondary rc ROUT0602E Invalid connect timeout valueROUT0603E TCP/IP socket error ROUT0110E Invalid Appc opcodeProblem Determination ida ReRouter ROUT0611I Trace enabled ROUT0612W Swiddef file errorROUT0613I Printer is not ready IRQ on remote printer ROUT0700E Internal software error ROUT0800E Semaphore handling errorROUT0801E Named Pipe handling error ROUT0802E Timer handling errorROUT0803E Thread handling error TraceList of Abbreviations PPD/PPRAppendix a Keyword Definitions SyntaxRoutename Keywordipaddress Appendix BFill-InConfigurationWorksheet WORK-STATION PSF Vtam NCP IDA Fill-In Configuration Worksheet for AS/400 Communications Appendix C i-data Products Mainframe environmentMidrange environment Readers Comments