Workstation Configuration ida ReRouter
7. Workstation Configuration
- For SNA connection -
The PC configuration description of Communications Manager/2, LAPS and TCP/IP includes both the AS/400 and the S/370 (S/390) network systems.
7.1Communications Manager/2 for S/370-390 and AS/400
This section describes the configuration of Communications Manager/2 for the two network systems S/370 (S/390) and AS/400.
The configuration details is followed by configuration worksheets for the two network systems. See section 7.1.2: “S/370 Network Configuration Worksheet” and section 7.1.3: “AS/400 Network Configuration Worksheet”.
An explanation to the worksheets can be seen in section 7.1.4: "Explanation to configuration Worksheets".
The ida ReRouter setup values and the Communications Manager/2 profiles must match the corresponding parameters of the Host network.
The configuration examples assume that the connections are based on Token Ring.
You start the configuration from the program "Communications Manager Setup" in the Communications Manager/2 folder.
In the following, the screen to be configured will appear in a frame. Underneath you will find the instructions to follow. The numbers in the brackets, (e.g (5)) refer to the corresponding number in the Configuration Worksheet for Communications Manager/2. See the sections 7.1.2 (S/370) and 7.1.3 (AS/400).