Testing Connection to Remote Device ida ReRouter
The Network ID can be obtained from the AS/400 RMTNETID parameter in
- AS/400 APPC controller description
The Partner LU is obtained from the AS/400 LCLLOCNAME parameter in:
-AS/400 APPC device description
-AS/400 APPC printer device description
12.Local LU name
Specifies the real name of the logical unit (LU) as known in the system. Must match the name in:
S/370 - S/390:
AS/400 APPC device description
AS/400 printer device description
13.Local LU alias
Identifies the LU alias to be used when activated by the S/370 - S/390 or AS/400 system. This parameter must match the LU Alias in the ida ReRouter program.
14.Local LU address
Specifies the network addressable unit (NAU) for this logical unit (LU). It must match the NCP/VTAM LOCADDR. A value of X'00' specifies an independent LU and values between 2 and 255 (X'01' and X'FF') specify dependent LUs.
The support of independent LUs requires the fol lowing level of network hardware and software:
-ACF/VTAM level 3.3 ACF/NCP 4.2 or later
-Token Ring 37XX - ACF/VTAM 3.3, ACF/NCP 4.2 or later
-Establishment Controller (3174) Token Ring gateway ACF/VTAM 3.3 microcode C1.0 or later