Problem Determination ida ReRouter
ROUT0604E: | TCP/IP communication error [...] |
Description: | A situation with a communication failure has occurred. |
Action: | Check the remote device to see if it is ready and active. |
| "Ping" the remote device |
| (for details.see chapter 8:”Testing the Remote De vice"). |
| Retry. |
Note: | - |
ROUT0605E: | No connection established to remote device |
Description: | An attempt to make a connection to the remote |
Action: | device has failed. |
Check the remote device to see if it is ready and active. | |
| "Ping" the remote device |
| (for details.see chapter 8:”Testing the Remote Device"). |
Note: | Retry. |
- | |
ROUT0606W: | Remote device already connected to another server |
Description: | The remote device is "owned" by another server. |
Action: | Deactivate the other server or use a different server. |
Note: |
ROUT0608I: | idaRoute vers. [...] started |
Description: | |
Action: | - |
Note: | - |
ROUT0609I: | idaRoute ended |
Description: | |
Action: | - |
Note: | - |
ROUT0610I: | idaRCtrl deactivation request |
Description: | The transaction program is requested to deactivate. The |
| request comes from the OS/2 user (idaRCtrl GUI). |
Action: | - |
Note: | The printer / queue will be stopped on the |
interrrupted. | Host system and active jobs will be |