Adapter Configuration
If you want to enable 3DES encryption in your network, please select one of the input methods and enter the password.
Input methods:
ASCII | If ASCII is selected, the Encryption Key |
| string can have up to 24 |
| ASCII characters. Quote and double- |
| quote characters are not supported. |
| Extended ASCII characters are not |
| supported. |
HEX | On the other hand, if HEX mode is |
| selected, the Encryption Key string can |
| have up to 42 hexadecimal digits (for |
| example 34AE4F54B38D). This HEX |
| method is more secure than ASCII. |
3.4.3 Advanced Configuration
The advanced configuration section is divided into several subsections, which are described here. MAC Configuration
The following parameters relate to the physical network setup, or topology. The current firmware version (Spirit 2.0.21 at the time of this publication) supports only one topology: