Supported Softwares
4.2 Hardware Doctor Utility
The system board comes with the Hardware Doctor utility contained in the provided CD. This utility is capable of monitoring the system’s “health” conditions and allows you to manually set a range (Highest and Lowest Limit) to the items being monitored. If the settings/ values are over or under the set range, a warning message will pop- up. The utility can also be configured so that a beeping alarm will sound whenever an error occurs. We recommend that you use the “Default Setting” which is the ideal setting that would keep the system in good working condition.
Use this utility only in Windows® 95 or Windows® 98 operating system.
To install the utility, insert the CD (included in the system board package) into a
4.3Intel 820 INF Update Utility for Windows 95/98
The CD included in the system board package contains the Intel 820 INF Update utility. If you are using Windows® 95 (Windows® 95, Windows® 95+, Windows® 95 OSR1: Windows® 95 OEM Service Release 1, Windows® 95 OSR2: Windows® 95 OEM Service Release 2.0 or Windows® 95 OSR2.1: Windows® 95 OEM Service Release 2.0 plus USB Supplement) or Windows® 98, you need to install the utility. The utility is used for updating Windows® 95/98's INF files so that the Intel 820 chipset can be recognized and configured properly in the system.
1.Insert the CD into a
2.Click “Intel 820 INF Update Utility for Windows 95/98”.
3.The “Welcome” screen will appear. Click “Next”.