PRINT FORMAT screen to select the PRINT FORMAT (text or CSV); then press Print (F3) to begin printing.
3.If you are sending results to a PC, you can use Microtest’s Cable Management System (CMS) For Windows (a Microtest accessory available from your distributor) to download Autotest records in Comma Separated Variable (CSV) format. Make sure that the baud rate, parity, handshaking (protocol) and data and stop bit settings in CMS For Windows are the same as the Scanner’s Printer Port Settings. Refer to the CMS For Windows User Guide for instructions. You can also send results to the PC using Windows™ Terminal Emulation or Procomm Plus® (see below).
Printing Tips
∙When printing from the Extended Functions menu, you can print all tests that passed or failed by selecting All Pass or All Fail from the PRINT OPTIONS screen.
∙For best results, print NEXT and Attenuation graphs to a LaserJet printer. The LaserJet printer will print the graph on one page, whereas the Epson format requires two pages to print the same graph.
Uploading Autotest Reports to Windows Terminal
1.With Windows loaded, click on the Accessories window, and select Terminal. If Terminal is not an icon, click on Files, choose Run, and type “TERMINAL.EXE”.
2.Select Settings Communications from the Menu Bar.
3.In the Communications screen, verify that the settings are 9600 Baud, Xon/Xoff, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit and No parity. Choose the appropriate Communications (serial) port. Click OK to save these settings.
4.Select Transfers Receive Text File from the Menu Bar. In the Receive Text File screen, name the file with a .txt extension. Note the drive and path to which the file will be saved.
5.The screen will now show “Receiving [file.txt]” on the bottom right and “Bytes: 0” on the bottom left.
6.Begin the transfer from the Scanner (see step 7 in Printing or Downloading Test Results, above). Select “text” as the Print Format.
7.When the transfer is complete, close Windows Terminal.
You can now use the DOS ‘COPY’ command to print the text file to a printer; i.e., “COPY filename.txt LPT1”.
Uploading Autotest Reports to a PC with Procomm Plus
Procomm Plus for DOS
To send reports to a PC using Procomm Plus for DOS, open Procomm Plus and perform these steps:
1.Press ALT + P to enter port parameters. Set the port to be used (COM1 or COM2), the baud rate (default is 9600), the data bits (8), stop bits (1) and parity (None). Make sure that the settings are the same as the Scanner’s Printer Port Settings. Press Alt + S to save settings.
2.Press ALT + S to select terminal options. Ensure that the handshake method selected is XON/XOFF to match the Scanner’s Printer Port Settings.
3.Press ALT + F1 to open a log file. Type the desired file name. Give the filename a “.TXT” extension to make it easy to locate.