How It Works
•EPC: This tool allows EPC data to be directly encoded into the smart label’s RFID tag. Simply have your existing software application write the desired EPC number to a Code 3 of 9 barcode. The printer will then write the EPC data to the RFID tag without printing the bar code.
The existing toolset will meet the needs of many RFID early adopters. If you have a requirement for a Software Migration Tool not included in this kit, feel free to contact us.
To select and use the tools, see “Software Migration Tools (SMT)” on page 63.
How To Order More Smart Labels
To order more RFID smart labels, contact Printronix:
Part Number
Roll of 500 four inch by six inch EPC Class 1 smart labels:
NOTE: Due to the dynamic state of the RFID market, the cost of smart labels will fluctuate to market conditions. Please check for the latest pricing. (Price breaks are available for large orders.)