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SuperDVR & H.264 Series Cards User Manual
are the definitions of the color bars:
• Blue: Manual Record Events
• Green: Schedule Record Events
• Yellow: Motion Detection Record Events
• Red: Sensor Alarm Record Events
Click to play selected recorded files. The system offers playback in
1 Ch, 4CH, 9 CH, and 16CH. The following is the multiple channel playback options in the control area:
Figure6-6 Multiple Channel Playback Control
The system default playiback mode is one channel. That is Camera1. If users
need to change to other channels, then click and the channel configuration window will appear, as shown below:
Figure6-7 Channel Configuration Dialog for Single Channel Playback Mode
Users can select one channel from all the available channels for playing back.
In case user needs to playback 4 channels at the same time, then click, and the following channel configuration window will appear:
Figure6-8 Channel Configuration Dialog for 4-channel Playback Mode
Users can select any four channels from all the available channels for playing back.
The system offers quick select methods for users. For example, by selecting