Auto-Answer Functions_______________________________________
Z–Turn Auto-Answer on
When you type this command, you’ll see the following message:
to abort
The modem is now waiting for a call. When someone calls, the modem will answer and send any
Rings must be greater than 0 to
Type R and set the number of rings to a number greater than 0, then enter the Z Command again.
V–View AA message (0 chars)
Use this command to display any message you have saved in the Auto- Answer buffer. When you have a message saved, (0 chars) will change to show the number of characters in your message.
M–Enter new AA message
When you type M at the Command Prompt you’ll see this message:
Enter new AA message? (Y/N)
Typing Y for Yes allows you to enter a new
Enter new answer message ...
Press ESC to end message
Your message can be up to 240 characters long. Press the Escape Key to return to the Command Line. You’ll see the following prompt:
(# chars) tells you the number of characters you’ve saved.
R–Set # of rings (The default is 0 rings)
This command sets the number of times the telephone will ring before it’s answered when you’re in
Enter # of rings
Enter any number from 0 to 255. Remember that
Type the ? Key any time you want to see the help menu.