Getting Started
Chapter 2 Getting Started
It is recommended that you first provision and test your the radios on the bench before deploying them in the field. This is a particularly useful exercise for the novice user.
Connections and Power
•Connect a Cat-5 (straight through) Ethernet cable (we recommend shielded twisted pair) between the ODU (out door unit) port of the J-box and the RJ-45 connector on the radio. Note that this cable will carry power-over-Ethernet (PoE).
•If connecting to a COMPUTER, use a Cross-Over Ethernet cable from the NET port of the J-box to the computer’s Ethernet port.
If connecting to a HUB, SWITCH, or ROUTER, use a Straight-Thru cable.
•Plug the AC adapter into an AC outlet.
Figure 7
Both green LEDs on the J-box should be lit, indicating power is present at the PoE box as well as at the radio. The Radio’s Power LED may take several seconds before lighting. It will require approximately 45 seconds for the radio to boot and be ready for configuration via the Ethernet port.
Note: If voltage falls below 16 volts, the power LED will go off but the Radio LED will stay on. The radio can operate down to 10.5 volts.
Trango Broadband Wireless — M5580M-FSU (Atlas Fox) User Manual Revision 2 | page 6 |