23 June 2005
HE104MAN-V8 Manual
Let Bat1_chrg = 0 Main_Batt1:
Low PSU_OnOff
If Bat1_Chrg = 1 then Batt_Trickle Goto Bat_Chrg
Batt_Trickle: ‘debug “trickle” gosub Chk_Pwr let D1 = 0
let D0 =0 gosub Convert let Batt_V =AD
PWM Chrg_Limit, Trickle_LVL, 1000 Low Chrg_Limit
Goto Main_Batt1
Let D1 = 1
Let D0 = 0 Gosub Convert ‘debug AD, Batt_V
if AD < Batt_V then No_ Power return
No_Power: ‘debug “no_pwr” pause 50
let Bat1_Chrg = 0 PWM Chrg_Limit, 0.50 Goto Main_Batt1
Battery Charger Program
Let Chrg_Time = 0
Chrg_Lp: Gosub Chk_Pwr For TCnt= 0 to 1
PWM Chrg_Limit,A01_LVL,1000
‘Just making sure PSU stays on! ‘is battery already charged?
‘Get battery charging voltage
‘Turn on Trickle current ‘Trickle to minimum current
‘Get battery charging voltage
‘Indicate battery has been discharged ‘turn off charge current
‘Initialize charge timer (counts in sec.)
‘first apply charge current then ‘check for charge termination
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