SOYO SOYOTM manual Soyotm

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About This Guide

This User’s Guide is for assisting system manufacturers and end users in setting up and installing the mainboard. Information in this guide has been carefully checked for reliability; however, no guarantee is given as to the correctness of the contents. The information in this document is subject to change without notice.

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Contents 5XA5 TX P54C/P55C PCI Mainboard User’s Guide Technical ReferenceSoyotm Table of Contents Page Introduction Electrostatic Discharge Precautions Unpacking the MainboardMainboard Layout w/ Default Settings TAG SramMainboard Default Setting JP40 CE Test Jumper Pin JumpersJP5 Cmos Clear Jumper JP2 Smart Detect CPU Voltage Function Auto/Manual Jumper JP37 Dimm Voltage Select JumperCPU Type Configuration Frequency SettingHardware Setup Ð1Ð3. CPU Jumper Settings P54C/P55C- 180/60 MHz Socket AMD K6 PR266 CPU Setting 4.0 x clock CPU Single/Dual Voltage Setting Single Voltage CPU SettingMemory Configuration Dual Voltage CPU SettingRAM Bank Installation Notice Cache ConfigurationMemory Configuration Table Cache Size and RAM LocationsMulti I/O Port Addresses ATX PW ATX Power Supply Connectors JP43 CPU Cooling Fan ConnectorFDC FDC Connector IDE1/IDE2 On-board Primary/Secondary IDE HDD Connectors Reset Hardware Reset ControlHDD LED HDD LED Connector IR1 IR ConnectorSPK Speaker Connector PS/2 Mouse Conn. PS/2 Mouse ConnectorPRT Parallel Port Connector USB1/USB2 Universal Serial Bus ConnectorsBios Setup Standard Cmos Setup Bios Setup Drive a & B Video Halt OnCPU Internal Bios Features SetupQuick Power CacheSetting Chars/SecPCI/VGA Dram 64MBDram Timing Chipset Features SetupROM PCI/ISA Bios Chipset Features Setup Award SOFTWARE, INC Dram Leadoff TimingEDO/FP Sdram CASROM PCI/ISA Bios Cmos Setup Utility Power Management Setup Power Management SetupMemory Hole At 15M- Choose Enabled or Disabled default APM Bttn Primary/Secondary PNP/PCI Configuration SetupFloppy Disk Choose Enabled or Disabled Serial Port IDEINT# PCI IRQPCI IDE IRQ Load Setup Defaults Load Bios DefaultsPIO ROM PCI/ISA Bios Integrated Peripherals Award SOFTWARE, INCIntegrated Peripherals IDE Secondary Slave PIOUdma Parallel Port Mode IR Transmission DelayFIR Mode Use DMA ECP Mode Use DMAÒConfirm PasswordÓ Supervisor PasswordÒEnter PasswordÓ User Password Hard Disks ROM PCI/ISA Bios Cmos Setup UtilityIDE HDD Auto Detection Appendix CPU Setting List CPU Setting List Voltage Setting Possible CPUsMemory Configuration ESC Spread SpectrumCPU System Hardware Monitor