2Should there be several dictations extant: Select the one you want by press- ing the function buttons B E/C R »DICT ±« to switch between the saved dictations. When the designation of the dictation recording to be amended is shown in the display Q:
3Place the START«. Should
4Place the STOP«.
‹]Notice: | › |
If you would like to continue a saved dictation recording (i.e. add a passage at the end of a dictation recording): Approx. two seconds before the end of playback place the STOP«.
5Press the button » DICT« G; in the display Q »Record Pause« is indicated and the status lamp »DICT
« D blinks.
6By pressing the function button D T select »INS«. In the display Q »Insert Pause« is indicated.
7Place the START«. As soon as the display Q indicates »Insert« you can begin with the insertional dictation recording. The hitherto period of the insertional dictation recording is permanently shown in the display Q. The status lamp »DICT
« D glows permanently during the dictation recording.
8When you wish to terminate the insertional dictation recording: Place the STOP«. The status lamp »DICT
« D blinks. Then press the button »
DICT« G once again; the status lamp »DICT
« D goes out. The new dictation recording is now inserted into the already ex- tant dictation recording.
7.7 Deleting recorded dictations
Previously saved dictation recordings can be…
completely or
partially (i.e. just a passage in a dictation recording) deleted. To do this: