Using the Network Options Ethernet Tester
Type the module’s IP network address or host name in the box provided. Click the OK button. This dedicates a connection from your PC to the designated Ethernet module and brings you to the main menu.
(module address)
(module address)
(module address) |
Figure 20 Main Menu
To activate the connection, select Management and choose Connect from the pulldown menu or click on the connect button in the toolbar.
When you are ready to disconnect, select Management and choose Disconnect from the pulldown menu or click on the disconnect button in the toolbar.
You may establish several connections with the same module or with other modules by selecting New from the File pulldown menu or by clicking on the create new connection button in the toolbar. Each connection has its own window within the main window. The Window pulldown menu gives you options for arranging connection windows and allows you to select one. The options available on the pulldown menus and toolbar in the main window apply to the selected connection.
After disconnecting from one module, you may reassign its dedicated connection by selecting Management and choosing Set IP Address from the pulldown menu. Type the new IP network address or host name in the box provided.
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