Example Sample Error Log
Path DM. 24. 0. 0. 0. 0 was opened.
Quantum Ethernet firmware Ver. 1.00 07/15/96 09:31:35
Error Log Entry Number: 1
File name: user_lgc.cpp, Line: 200, error code: 0x0101 EAX=00000001 EDX=00000001 ECX=00300101 EBX=00000000 EBP=00012efc ESI=00000000 EDI=00000000 ESP=00012edc EFLAGS=00000046 EIP=03f0e0f4
Record the information in the entry and report it to your Schneider Automation customer representative.
After displaying all entries, ERRLOG will prompt:
Clear the Error Log? (N)
If you do not want to clear the log, enter the default N. If you want to clear the log, type Y. If you enter Y, ERRLOG will ask:
Do you wish to stop the PLC? (N)
Again, enter Y or N. Remember that the controller must be stopped before you can clear the log.
If you enter Y, ERRLOG will stop the controller and clear the log. Then it will prompt:
Do you wish to
To restart the controller, type Y.
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