Vista Imaging Vista Routing Additional Routing Considerations, Factors Affecting Routing Speed

Page 74

Troubleshooting Routing

Routing User Guide



Additional Routing Considerations

Transmission Processors and Drive Mapping

For each Imaging destination that it sends exams to, the transmission processor will map a drive using the following progression of drive letters: Q – Z, then G – P. If a drive letter (Q, for example) is not available, it will move to the next letter (R, for example) and so on. When all entries for a particular destination have been processed, the applicable drive is unmapped. This logic is not used for DICOM destinations.

Factors Affecting Routing Speed

Given a T1 connection and a light to moderate amount of network traffic, the first images in a routed exam will typically begin arriving at a destination within minutes. However, any of the following can impact the delivery of routed exams:

ƒA backlog of images at the Image Gateway, which is responsible for adding entries to the rule evaluation queue.

ƒA backlog of entries in the transmission queue. If numerous large exams are flagged for routing in a brief period of time, there will be a delay while all the images in the exam are transmitted. In situations where multiple destinations are being used, additional transmission processors may be used to alleviate delays. For more information, see page 51.

ƒProblems connecting to destinations. For Imaging destinations, the routing software will attempt to re-connect or retransmit the number of times specified for each destination in the NETWORK LOCATION File (#2005.2). For DICOM destinations, retry attempts are part of the DICOM transmission protocol. Failed connection or transmission attempts are logged by the Routing Gateway.

ƒThe routing priority of a particular exam. For more information, see page 67.

Routed Images vs. Routed Exams

The Routing Gateway evaluates and transmits data on an image-by-image basis. If the transmission processor is disabled when an exam is partially transmitted, the exam is usually treated as “unrouted” until the transmission processor is re-started, and the transmission of the exam is completed.

In some situations, such as the presence of multiple Image Gateways or the use of on-demand routing, images from one exam will “interrupt” the transmission of images of an exam that is partially routed. This can occur because entries are added to the rule evaluation and transmission queues for each image, rather than for each exam. Usually, this behavior is invisible to the end user.

If a partially routed exam is opened from VistARad, the VistARad software will first attempt to retrieve images from the local storage location identified in the MAGJ.INI file


VistA Imaging V. 3.0, Patch 18

April 2006

Image 74
Contents Routing User Guide-DRAFT April VistA Imaging V .0, Patch Contents Troubleshooting Routing Introduction Terms of UseConventions Using this ManualAbout this Manual AcknowledgementsDate Rev Related DocumentsRevision Table This page is intentionally blank Routing Overview Routing ExplainedInfrastructure Requirements What is a Routing Gateway?Routing Prerequisites Operational Requirements How Autorouting Works Identifying Images to be AutoroutedDeletion of Routed Images Autorouting Images from Prior ExamsSending Images to Destinations Remote Reading with VistARadRouting Overview How On-Demand Routing Works Selecting Images for On-Demand RoutingPriority and On-demand Routing How Routing Priority WorksPriority and Autorouting Other Priority FactorsHow Routing Rules Work Defining Routing RulesRouting Rules Explained Simple Routing Rule Rules using Multiple ConditionsSample Routing Rules Rules using Date/Time Conditions Rules using WildcardsRules using the does not match Operator Rule Destinations Send CommandBalance Command Resetting the Load Balancing Counter How Load Balancing WorksFrequently Used Properties Rule ConditionsProperties NOW Network storage location of the image abstract Other PropertiesPath for the network location of the stored image Unique 26-character image identifier of the Pacs image Name of the Radiology Report associated with the image Operator Image property must… OperatorsValues Send CR images to Kansas on Holidays Values for Date/Time PropertiesSend CR images to Kansas on Mon/Wed/Fri Prioritize images based on destination Routing Rule PriorityRouting Images from Prior Exams Do or Do Not include Prior StudiesRouting Rule Tips This page is intentionally blank Configuring Routing Configuration Task Performed ByField Description Defining Imaging DestinationsNaming Conventions for Imaging Destinations Network Location File Entries at Jonesville Storage Location Names for offsite MRI specialistFolder Creation Storage Folders for Imaging DestinationsFolder Prerequisites Testing folders from the sending site Explorer Folder VerificationTesting folders from the sending site Command Line Editing the Network Location File at the sending site Imaging Destination Definition using FileManImaging Destination Definition Imaging Destination Values Physical Reference Do not use This field is not used for routing, and should be left blank Retention Period Dicom Destination Definitions in SCUList.dic Defining Dicom DestinationsNaming Conventions for Dicom Destinations Adding Dicom Destinations to SCUList.dicMagdmenu Field Definitions How Prior Exam Routing Works Verifying that Prefetch is EnabledDefining Route Priors Logic Altering Route Priors LogicTo change route priors logic Select the following fields for editingTo configure Image Gateways Dicom Gateway ConfigurationImage Gateway Configuration Routing Gateway Configuration To configure the Routing GatewayTo create and import routing rules Importing Routing Rules Route.dicCreating and Importing a Routing Rules File Verifying Imported Rules To verify imported rulesRe-Importing Routing Rules Routing Rules & Multiple Routing GatewaysVistARad Configuration-Sending Sites To set routing-related VistARad site parametersVistARad Configuration-Receiving Sites To set the CacheLocationID in MAGJ.INIMaking Multiple Destinations Accessible to VistARad Changes Affecting Routing System Configuration Routing System Change Related Configuration ChangeStarting the Evaluation Processor Using the Routing GatewayActivating Routing Starting the Transmission Processor Maintaining Routing Periodic MaintenanceUsing Routing Log Files Displaying log filesLong-Term Routing Shutdown Disabling RoutingShort-Term Routing Shutdown Stop the Transmission Processor Routing Gateway Menu OptionsStart the Transmission Processor Import Routing Rules Start the Evaluation ProcessorStop the Evaluation Processor Purge all completed entries in the Transmission QueueDisplay Current Set of Routing Rules Re-Queue all failed entries in the Transmission QueueRemove obsolete entries from Transmission Queue This page is intentionally blank Using VistARad in a Routing System Displaying Routed ExamsTo display a routed exam On-Demand Routing Requirements Using On-Demand RoutingVistARad & On-Demand Routing To use on-demand routing Routing User Guide This page is intentionally blank Getting Help Troubleshooting RoutingBasic Troubleshooting If… Then…Factors Affecting Routing Speed Additional Routing ConsiderationsTransmission Processors and Drive Mapping Routed Images vs. Routed ExamsHow the RC Column is Populated Preventing Transmission of Duplicate ExamsThis page is intentionally blank Appendix a Appendix a Imaging Destination Worksheet Specified in sending site’s Network Location fileNetwork Location File Sample For detailed information about specific fields, seeDicom Destination Worksheet Dicom Destination SampleRouting Rule Definition Worksheet Routing User Guide Example #2 Sample RulesExample #1 Example #3Example #6 Example #4Example #5 Example #7Routing Setup Checklist Installation Appendix B Using MAGDecompressorMAGDecompressor Setup LicensingCd \Program Files\VistA\Imaging\MAGDecompressor Enter MAGDecompressor Logging Sample log entrySelected log file error codes Glossary Glossary Glossary This page is intentionally blank See also routing Background Processor 32 balance command IndexSee also routing operators, routing rule 11, 20 passwords 28 Index