The block of channels varies with the power supply model. For the 24 way power supply, the block is 48 channels. For the 12 way it is 24 channels and for the 6 way it is 12 channels.
Set the Power Supply starting DMX channel by using the SETUP menu. If talkback is enabled on the power supply, the starting power supply channels are limited to 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, etc.
Fan speed (when enabled at the power supply) is remotely controlled with the following DMX levels:
51% to 100%
0% to 50%
8% = fan off (when this function is enabled at the power supply)
Refer to the user manual of the various Coloram II products for detailed operating information on those products.
The formula for calculating DMX channels is as follows:
Color Changer DMX channel = Color Changer channel + Power
Supply starting channel - 1
Example: Color Changer DMX channel (221) = Color Changer channel (20) + Power Supply starting channel (202)
Note: For the 24 way power supply, the Coloram II color changers can only be addressed to the first 24 channels of the 48 channel block of the power supply.
Note: The Color Changers will not respond to the DMX signal until you return in the "menu tree" to the RUN SCREEN loop.
5. Connect and set the DMX512 source
Connect the DMX512 signal source to the DMX input connector on the front of the Power Supply using standard DMX cable. Valid DMX signal will be indicated by the words "DMX OK" on the Power Supply display. The Color Changers will now position their gelstrings according to their respective DMX signal levels.
Head-Feet Restrictions