DMXF OFF - DMX fan control channel. This enables or disables the lighting console fan speed control. This can be OFF (do not control the fans via a DMX channel), ONE (select one DMX channel to control all the color changer fans connected to that power supply) or BLK (select a BLOCK of DMX channels - one DMX channel for each channel of the power supply (12 channels for a 12 way power supply).
If you use BLOCK, do not mix single channel Coloram II’s and multi- channel products (such as CXI color changers). Also, if the CXI’s or any other
The following two screens will be displayed only if the DMX fan option is turned on.
[ /Enter ]
FChn 025 - This allows you to set the DMX fan control channel (ONE or first channel of the BLOCK) to any channel between, and including, 001 and 512.
[ /Enter ]
Foff OFF - When turned on, this feature allows you to turn the fans in the Color Changers off from the lighting console. This is done by sending a level of 8% to the fan control channel. This unusual level was chosen to minimize the probability of unintentionally turning the fans off.
This menu is where you select the power supply display mode.
Pressing [ - ] at any of the following options will bring a up a question mark (?) behind the option. Pressing [ +
] and [
- ] will increment and decrement numbers or toggle options. Pressing [
/Enter ] will confirm your selection and the question mark will go away.
[ - ]
Disp % - This option allows you to select how the Power Supply will display position information in the status menu and in the commands menu. The options are decimal (0 - 255), % (0 - 100), or hex (0 - FF).
[ /Enter ]
Run REG - This option affects the main run screen which is displayed after initial power up of the Power Supply. The purpose is to minimize the flashing display characters which may be distracting if seen.
When set to REG, the display will alternate between the selected channel range, DMX OK or NO DMX, and *ALERT* if any alerts are present. When set to MIN, the display will not alternate. You will see the display as follows:
001 - - 048