This is commonly referred to as the status menu. It displays the number of Color Changers, CXI’s and/or other Coloram components connected the power supply.
Press [ - ]
DMX 001 - Pressing [ /Enter ] allows you to select the DMX channel of the Color Changer or Gobo Changer which you wish to view the status of. Only channels with Color Changers or Gobo Changers set to them will be displayed.
Press [ - ]
1 of 1 - Pressing [ /Enter ] allows you to select a specific Color Changer or Gobo Changer if more than one Color Changer or Gobo Changer is set to that channel.
[ - ]
For The Coloram II color changer:
ColoRAM - Indicates there is a Color Changer addressed to this channel.
[ /Enter ]
DCV 24.0 - This displays the DC voltage at the Color Changer.
[ /Enter ]
Pos 000 - This displays the actual position of the gelstring. If the Color Changer is moving toward FL, an arrow pointing to the right (>) will be displayed. If the Color Changer is moving toward 00, an arrow pointing to the left (<) will be displayed.
[ /Enter ]
Fan NORM - This displays the fan status; HI, LOW, or OFF.
[ /Enter ]
Mtr NORM - This indicates if the motor speed is set to normal or low.
[ /Enter ]
Ver x.x - This tells you the software version installed in the Color Changer set to the channel you are looking at.
[ /Enter ]
Identify - Pressing [ - ] will cause the Color Changer, whose status you are viewing, to initialize.