Port Options
Figure 6. Port Options
Connection Validation | PPPoE / PPtP Connection Options | Transparent Bridge Mode |
Health Check | Auto Dialup | Bridge Mode |
Use this field to select the type of connection validation | When set to Enable a connection will be established | When set to Enable, this WAN port does not use NAT & |
to perform. When set to ICMP, the | whenever outgoing WAN traffic is detected. If not | Load Balance function when LAN/WAN IP have the real |
out ICMP echo requests. When set to HTTP, the XC- | Enabled, you must establish a connection manually. | IP addresses on the same network segment. |
DPG602 requests web pages. | Auto Disconnect | Traffic Management |
Alive Indicator | This determines when an idle connection will be |
| |
This is the IP address used to check if the WAN | terminated. Enter the required time period. | Strict Binding - When a WAN port connection is |
connection is operational. When using HTTP, put in a | Echo Time | disconnected, the packets will not go to another WAN |
valid IP address of a web server. When this field is blank, | This determines how often an Echo request is sent to the | port. |
the ISP gateway IP address is used. | Loose Binding - When the WAN port connection is |
| |
PPPoE server. The Echo request is used to determine if |
| ||
Note: This is not used for PPPoE connections. | the connection is still valid. Normally, there is no need to | connected, the packets will go another WAN port. |
MTU | change the default value. | Load Balancing - This will mix real and private IP’s on |
The Maximum Transmission Unit is used when | Echo Retry |
| |
the LAN side doing the load balancing. |
| ||
determining the packet size to be used on the WAN | The number of time the Echo request will be sent if there |
interface. Normally, this does not need to be changed, but |
| |
is no response to the first request. Normally, there is no |
| |
if your ISP advises you to use a particular MTU, enter it | need to change the default value. |
here. |
| |
| 17 | |