S t y l i s t i c S T 5 0 0 0 S e r i e s T a b l e t P C U s e r ’ s G u i d e – A p p e n d i x A
■IP Address
Displays the current TCP/IP address assigned to the WLAN adapter.
The country with the country code for which the radio is configured.
■Transmit Power Level
Displays the current transmit power level of the radio.
■Network Name (SSID)
Displays the Network Name (SSID) currently used by the radio.
■Power Save Mode
Displays the configured Power Save Mode currently used by the radio. [Off], [Normal], or [Maximum] will be displayed.
Displays the Basic Service Set Identifier. This is typically the MAC address of the Access Point or in the case of AdHoc networks, is a randomly generated MAC address.
Displays the center frequency currently being used by the radio.
■Transmit Rate
Displays the current data rate used by the radio to transmit data.
■Receive Rate
Displays the current data rate used by the radio to receive data.