Chapter 9 External Service Management Quick FAQ
The service record has been deactivated. This service will not be available to Broadcast Server users when they create alerts.
Quick FAQ
How do I … | Description |
Add a new External Service | Click the Add Service button at the top of the list. This will |
| open the External Service Page. |
Edit an External Service | Click the description in the record you want to modify. |
| This will open the External Service Page. |
Delete one or more External | Check the box next to each record you want to delete, or |
Services | check the box in the list’s title to select all records |
| displayed. Then, click the Delete Selected button. |
Prevent users from using an | Edit the service record, uncheck the Active checkbox, and |
External Service | save your changes. |
Disable an External Service in | Edit the service record, uncheck the Active checkbox, and |
existing alerts | save your changes. |
The External Service Page
The Active checkbox indicates whether the External Service record is active in Broadcast Server – that is, whether the service is available to Broadcast Server users when they create alerts. At minimum, an External Service definition must have a name, description, and URL. You must provide this information before you can save the record.