Chapter 5 - Safe Shutdown and Reboot
By default, PMonitor monitors the COM1 port. If the utility displays an error message stating that it is unable to open the COM1 port, it means that the port is already being used by another utility.
You can either stop the other utility, and try again, or use a different COM port for the PMonitor program. If you choose to use a different COM port:
1.Stop the PMonitor program
2.Connect your safe shutdown cable to a different COM port
3.Right click on the Monitoring Disabled icon, and select Options from the context menu that appears. A dialog box, similar to the one below appears:
4.Open the list of COM ports, and select the COM port that the safe shutdown cable is connected to.
Note: Only changes to the COM port selection can be made in this dialog box. Since the utility only monitors the Positive UPS signals, the other settings are fixed.
To unistall the utility:
1.Exit the Power Monitor program.
2.Open the Windows Start menu.
3.Choose Programs → Power Monitor → Uninstall Power Monitor.