MGE UPS Systems 100 Setting up the RS485 link, General, Single-unit type installation

Page 18

2. Installation

2.6 Setting up the RS485 link


For UPSs equipped with the PowerServices TelPac external version (see table section 2.3 "The various installation types"), communication between the UPS and the external unit is achieved via a RS485 link in 2-wire mode.

The link works using the master-slave mode, with the PowerServices TelPac always being the master.

Standard practice is to add line bias at the network master and impedance matching at the end of the line on the slave side.

The line must only be biased at one point.

"Single-unit" type installation

The external unit is pre-configured to be directly operational. No special configuration is necessary for a "Single-unit" type installation of the external unit with a Galaxy or Comet type UPS.

Configuration of communication parameters (mode, rate, etc.) is carried out on the RS485 cards on the respective UPSs (see "Configuring the RS485 card for Comet" or "Configuring the RAUZ card for Galaxy").

UPS with JBUS/


RS485 card


Slave number x


Without bias

With bias



JBUS / RS485

With impedance matching Without impedance matching





A 5V B R+ R- T+ T-


The RS485 shielded 2-wire link

Page 18 - 34003602EN/AB

Image 18 MGE UPS Systems 100 Setting up the RS485 link, General, Single-unit type installation, UPS with Jbus, RS485 card Telpac
Contents PowerServicesTM TelPac Installation manual2 34003602EN/AB Environment Special precautionsIntroduction Recycling of packagingFederal Communication Commission FCC statement ForewordEMC compatibility Radio and Telecommunications compatibilityModem compatibility and supported countries List of countries supported by the modemPictogram symbols Contents Maintenance Unpacking and checking the contents PresentationOverview Country Teleservice Centre FunctionsRS485 Port Technical data sheetPower supply ModemIndicator lights Status Green UPS indicator Card version External versionStatus Red CD indicator Card version External version Installation ProcedurePreliminary check Various installation types Recommendations Fitting the warning labelMGE Attention Onduleur sous Teleservice Galaxy PWGeneral Setting up the RS485 linkSingle-unit type installation UPS with JbusImpedance matching and bias settings Configuring the shielding terminal = ShieldingConfiguring the RS485 card for Comet For CometConfiguring the Rauz card for Galaxy Installing the PowerServices TelPac card ConnectionComet S31 7.5/10KVA ConnectionsComet S31 15/20KVA Open the doors giving access to Galaxy view with doors open and protective panels in place Connecting contact type inputs PowerServices TelPac card 2 inputsPowerServices TelPac external unit 2 inputs + 4 extensions 5V BMaintenance Cable diagramsComet link cable ref