9.0 Specifications
Note: Where specifications ratings differ, values for the 220/230/240 Vac versions are given in [ ] brackets.
9.1 Input
Nominal input voltage: single phase, 120 Vac, [220/230/240 Vac].
Nominal input frequency: 50 or 60 Hz, internally selected by microprocessor.
Input protection; 600VA, 900VA model: 14 Amp, [12 Amp] resettable circuit breaker.
Input protection, 2000VA model: [15 Amp] resettable circuit breaker.
9.2 Transfer characteristics
Frequency limits for
Lower input voltage limit for
SmartBoost operation input voltage range: 90 to 103 Vac, [173 to 196 Vac; when set for operation at the nominal 240 Vac line, the SmartBoost input voltage range is increased to 180 to 204 Vac].
Transfer time: 2 ms typical, 4 ms maximum. Note that 1 ms is 0.001 seconds.
9.3 Output characteristics
Maximum load, 600VA model: 600 VA or 400 W @ 0.67 power factor.
Maximum load, 900VA model: 900 VA or 630 W @ 0.7 power factor.
Maximum load, 2000VA model - 120 Vac version: 2000 VA or 1500 W @ 0.75 power factor with supplied NEMA
Maximum load, 2000VA model - 220/230/240 Vac versions: 2000 VA or 1500 W @ 0.75 power factor.
Protection: overcurrent and short circuit protected, latching shutdown upon overload.
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