Chapter 7
This chapter contains information to help you solve printer problems. A problem may have one or a combination of causes, including a malfunction in your computer, software, the printer cable, or the printer. Many printing problems are related to how your software interacts with the printer.
If you can print a self test but the printer does not print or your printed output is not what you expect, the problem is with your computer, software, or cables. Check these items for a problem.
If your printer is not operating properly, try the suggestions in this chapter. Try the solutions in the order listed. The following list shows the problems covered here.
Check List
ERROR Light Problems
ERROR light is on
ERROR light is on - ON LINE, HQ, and HS lights are blinking
Operational Problems
No power reaching printer
Data from computer in not printed
Ink cartridge moves, ink does not appear
Overall printing is slow from
Overall printing is slow from Windows
Printing Problems
Data from computer printed, but is not what you expected
Printed characters do not match characters on the screen
Printing Beyond Edge of Page
Printout Does Not Match Paper Size
Printing Incorrect Number of Lines on Page
Printer is not using font you selected with DIP switch settings
Printout curls
Computer Indicates a Device
Paper Loading Problems
Paper is Loaded Skewed (Printing Is Skewed)
Paper Does Not Load Into Printer
Multiple Sheets Load Into Printer
Envelopes Do Not Load
Paper Does Not Eject After Printing
Repeated Paper Jams Occur
Print Quality Problems
Print Density Is Low
Print Is Not Clear
White Streaks or Missing Dots
Blurred or Smudged Ink