1. Make a command file for a form, KBD.FRM.
Command | Description |
ZS | Enable the store to flash |
FK"KBDFORM" | Delete the previous one |
FS"KBDFORM" | Start of form |
V00,15,N,"Product Name ?" | Variable and display message |
C0,10,N,+1,"Product No. ?" | Counter and display message |
Q50,24 | Label dimension |
q816 | Label width |
S2 | Speed |
D8 | Darkness |
ZT | Print from top |
A550,20,0,4,1,1,R,"ABC COMPANY" | Fixed data |
B550,60,0,2,2,4,40,B,C0 | Barcode I25 for counter |
A540,150,0,3,1,1,N,V00 | Print the input product |
FE | End of form |
ZN | Disable the store to flash |
2.Send the file, KBD.FRM to printer under
3.Turn off the printer, connect the keyboard and then turn on the printer. The message will be displayed on the LCD.