Formatting Commands
Command | Description |
:xxxx | Set cut amount |
An | Set print mode |
| n : ‘1’- exclusive, ‘2’ - transparent |
Cxxxx | Set horizontal offset |
cxx | Set cut amount |
Dwh | Set pixel width and height |
E | Form feed and return to system level command mode |
G | Store previous data to global register |
<STX>Sn | Retrieve from global register. n : global register ID |
Hxx | Set heating value, xx = 01 to 20 |
M | Toggle the mirror mode |
m | Set measurement in metric |
n | Set measurement in inches |
Pn | Set print speed. n = ’A’, ‘B’, or ‘C’ ** |
Qxxxx | Set copy count |
Rxxxx | Set vertical offset |
r<n..n> | Retrieve label data from printer buffer. <n..n> : label name |
sm<n..n> | Save label data to printer buffer. m : memory module, |
| <n..n> : label name |
Txx | Set |
z | Change slash zero to normal zero (0). |
+xx | Make auto increment for numeric or alphanumeric, |
>xx | xx : count |
Make auto decrement for numeric or alphanumeric, | |
<xx | xx : count |
^xx | Set count amount, xx : count |
Notes: The formatting and editing commands should be grouped together, leaded by <STX>L and ended by E command.
**: The parameter range is from ‘A’ to ‘K’ (1 to 6 ips) for the model FM4602/FM4603, and for model FM4402 it is from ‘A’ to 'E' (1 to 4 ips).