Updating the main program...
Updating the system mode
Updating the data file...
BASIC main program is being sent to the printer in the BASIC Download processing.
Transmission and update of the main program are in progress.
BASIC system mode program is being sent to the printer in the BASIC Download processing.
Transmission and update of the system mode program are in progress. BASIC data file is being sent to the printer in the BASIC Download processing.
Transmission and update of the data file are in progress.
Detailed status
Detailed status at the end of processing is displayed.
No printer connection is detected.
Cannot confirm the printer is in online mode.
The printer is not in idle state.
An error ("status code") occurred on the printer.
The print head has a broken element.
No data can be saved in the specified file.
Obtaining the printer settings failed. ("Tab name"/"Group name")
Updating the printer settings failed. ("Tab name"/"Group name"/"Control name")
Processing error
Mode shift error
Timeout error
Communication error
System error
No printer connected via the specified interface was found.
Check the communication conditions, then retry the operation. If the same message is displayed again, restart the printer.
The processing was not executed as whether or not the printer is in online mode could not be confirmed.
Check the communication conditions, then retry the operation. If the same message is displayed again, restart the printer.
The processing could not be executed since the printer has an error. Clear the printer error, then retry the operation.
An error occurred on the printer while processing is in progress. Clear the printer error, then retry the operation.
A broken element was detected during the print head check.
Printer information or print log data obtained from the connected printer could not be saved in the specified file.
Check if the file is writable.
Obtaining the setup information from the printer failed.
"Tab name"/"Group name" indicates the location where the error occurred.
Check the communication conditions, then retry the operation. If the same message is displayed again, restart the printer.
Updating the setup information on the printer failed.
"Tab name"/"Group name"/"Control name" indicates the location where the error occurred.
Correct the setting value for the "control name" if necessary, then retry the operation. If the same message is displayed again, restart the printer.
Firmware downloading failed in upgrading the firmware version. The maintenance counter could not be cleared.
The parameter clear failed in initialization.
Check the communication conditions, then retry the operation. If the same message is displayed again, restart the printer.
Whether or not the printer successfully shifted from the setting mode to the online mode could not be confirmed.
Whether or not the printer successfully shifted from the online mode to the setting mode could not be confirmed.
Restart the printer, then retry the operation.
A response from the printer resulted in timeout.
Check the communication conditions, then retry the operation. If the same message is displayed again, restart the printer.
An error occurred with the communication processing via the specified interface.
Check the communication conditions, then retry the operation. If the same message is displayed again, restart the printer.
An error occurred in the internal processing of the Product.
Restart the Product, then retry the operation. If the same message is displayed again, restart the PC.