AC750 WiFi Range Extender
The extender finds the 2.4 GHz wireless networks in your area and displays a list.
5.To select the network you want the extender to join, do one of the following:
•Select the radio button for the network.
•Select the Manually input my wireless SSID radio button and type the name of the network.
6.Enter the security settings for the network that you selected.
The extender finds the 5 GHz WiFi networks in your area and prompts you to select a 5 GHz WiFi network.
7.If your router or gateway broadcasts a 5 GHz WiFi network, select it from the list. Otherwise, click the Skip button.
The extender prompts you to specify whether the network is private or public.
8.Specify if the network that you selected is private or public:
•If your network is private, leave the Private Network radio button selected.
•If you are connecting the extender to a public network, select the Public Network radio button.
Selecting the Public Network radio button enables a firewall to protect your computer from others who are sharing this public network.
Manage the Extender Network and Settings