AC750 WiFi Range Extender
devices cannot use WPA2. By default, the
To change the WiFi security setting:
1.Connect a computer or mobile device to the extender’s network.
2.Launch a web browser and enter in the address field. A login screen displays.
3.Enter admin for the user name and enter your password.
If you have not yet personalized your password, type password for the password.
4.Select Setup > Wireless Setup.
5.Under Security Options, select a radio button. The Passphrase field displays.
6.In the Password (network key) field, enter the network key (password) that you want to use.
It is a text string from 8 to 63 characters.
7.Write down the new password and keep it in a secure place for future reference.
8.Click the Apply button. Your changes are saved.
Manage the Extender Network and Settings