Base Stations
Mobile Units
Repeater Units
Control Stations
Note: Remote control stations and mobile units operate at 5 MHz higher than their as- sociated base stations and relay repeater units.
To help decide which frequency ranges to scan, use the following listing of the typical services that use the frequencies your scan- ner receives. These frequencies are subject to change, and might vary from area to area. For a more complete listing, refer to Police Call Radio Guide including Fire and Emer- gency Services, available at your local Ra- dioShack store.
AIR | Aircraft |
BIFC | Boise (ID) Interagency Fire Cache |
BUS | Business |
CAP | Civil Air Patrol |
CCA | Common Carrier |
CB | Citizens Band |
CSB | Conventional Systems |
CTSB | Conventional/Trunked Systems |
FIRE | Fire Department |
HAM | Amateur (Ham) Radio |
GOVT | Federal Government |
GMR | General Mobile Radio |
GTR | General Trunked |
IND | Industrial Services |
| (Manufacturing, Construction, |
| Farming and Forest Products) |
MAR | Military Amateur Radio |
MARI | Maritime Limited Coast |
| (Coast Guard, Marine Telephone, |
| Shipboard Radio, and Private Stations) |
MARS | Military Affiliate Radio System |
MED | Emergency/Medical Services |
MIL | U.S. Military |
MOV | Motion Picture/Video Industry |
NEW | New Mobile Narrow |
NEWS | Relay Press |
| (Newspaper Reporters) |
OIL | Oil/Petroleum Industry |
POL | Police Department |
PUB | Public Services |
| (Public Safety, Local Government, |
| and Forestry Conservation) |
PSB | Public Safety |
PTR | Private Trunked |
ROAD | Road & Highway Maintenance |
RTV | Radio/TV Remote Broadcast Pickup |
42 | A General Guide to Frequencies |