FUNC (function) — lets you use various func- tions by pressing this key in combination with other keys.
MAN — stops scanning and lets you directly enter a channel number.
WX — scans through the seven prepro- grammed weather channels.
TRUNK — stores the trunking ID code or holds the trunking ID while scanning.
PRI (Priority) — sets and turns the priority function on or off.
TEXT — lets you input text.
PAUSE — stops search.
MODE — changes the receive mode (AM, FM, MOT, ED).
TUNE — lets you input a frequency and al- lows you to fine tune a frequency along with
8or 9.
ATT (Attenuate) — turns attenuation on to re- duce the scanner's sensitivity and block ex- tremely strong signals, or turns it off to increase sensitivity.
8or 9 — selects the scan or search direc- tion.
SEARCH — lets you search the six search banks.
L/OUT (Lock Out) — lets you lock out a se- lected channel, skip a specified frequency during search, or lock out a selected ID code.
PROG — programs frequencies into chan- nels.
ENTER — completes the entry of frequencies and text.
1 — enters a 1, or inputs characters 0 through 9 in text mode.
2/ABC — enters a 2, or inputs characters A, B, or C.
3/DEF — enters a 3, or inputs characters D, E, or F.
4/GHI — enters a 4, or inputs characters G, H, or I.
5/JKL — enters a 5, or inputs characters J, K, or L.
6/MNO — enters a 6, or inputs characters M, N, or O.
7/PQRS — enters a 7, or inputs characters P, Q, R, or S.
8/TUV — enters an 8, or inputs characters T, U, or V.
9/WXYZ — enters a 9, or inputs characters W, X, Y, or Z.
0 — enters a zero, or inputs characters .,
./DELAY — enters a decimal point (necessary when programming frequencies), space, or programs delay time for the selected chan- nel/search bank, or hyphen (in trunking ID setting).
CLEAR — clears an incorrect entry.
To help familiarize yourself with the scan- ner’s functions, keypad, and available fre- quencies, you can utilize one of these three features before you begin programming the scanner.
Preprogrammed Search Banks — let you listen to frequencies and decide which ones you want to store when you are ready to pro- gram the scanner. See “Searching a Prepro- grammed Frequency Range” on Page 18.
About Your Scanner | 11 |